[논문리뷰] Graph Partition Neural Networks For Semi-Supervised Classifications

Liao, R., Brockschmidt, M., Tarlow, D., Gaunt, A. L., Urtasun, R., & Zemel, R. (2018). Graph partition neural networks for semi-supervised classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.06272.


We present graph partition neural networks (GPNN), an extension of graph neural networks (GNNs) able to handle extremely large graphs. GPNNs alternate between locally propagating information between nodes in small subgraphs and globally propagating information between the subgraphs. To efficiently partition graphs, we experiment with several partitioning algorithms and also propose a novel variant for fast processing of large scale graphs. We extensively test our model on a variety of semi-supervised node classification tasks. Experimental results indicate that GPNNs are either superior or comparable to state-of-the-art methods on a wide variety of datasets for graph-based semi-supervised classification. We also show that GPNNs can achieve similar performance as standard GNNs with fewer propagation steps.

1. Introduction

  • 목적: graph-structured의 input을 high-capacity neural network-like models로 학습시키는 것
    • Graph Neural Network가 가장 기반이 되는 모델이고, 현재 graph data에 neural network와 유사한 모델들을 적용하는 시도 존재
  • GNN 모델의 한계
    • 정보가 graph에 어떻게 propagated되는지에 대해서 설명하지 못한다.
      • sequence의 element간의 추가적인 relationships으로 augmented된 sequence가 있을 때, graph 상에서 long distances에서 정보가 어떻게 propgated되어야 할지에 대한 시나리오만 존재할 뿐이다.
    • Synchronous message-passing systems을 GNN이 대부분 따르는데, 이 방법론은 적용하기는 쉽지만, graph 상에서 long distances에 걸쳐 정보가 있는 경우에 inefficient하다
      • N길이의 sequence에 대한 schedule을 짤 때, 총 O(N^2)의 messages가 information propagation에 필요하며, 이 모든 message는 memory에 저장이 되어야 한다.
      • 일반적으로 sequence data를 다룰 때 O(N)이 소요되는 forward pass-backward pass를 사용하여 end-to-end로 information을 propagate하게 된다 (ex. bi-directional RNN)
    • propagate information over the graph following some pre-specified sequential order (as in Bidirectional LSTMs)
      • (problems1) if graph used for training has large diameter, the unrolled GNN computational graph will be large, and will lead to vanishing/exploding gradients and resource contraints
      • (solution1) input graph의 모든 node와 연결이 된 ‘dummy node’를 사용하지만, additional node와 edge로 인해 포함되었던 정보의 왜곡이 발생함
      • (problems2) sequential schedules are typically less amenable to efficient acceleration on parallel hardware.
  • 제안
    • Graph partitional neural network is proposed to exploit a propagation schedule combining features of synchronous and sequential propagation schedules
      • Partition the graph into disjunct subgraphs and a cut set
      • Synchronous propagation within subgraphs with synchronous propagation within the cutset

2. Model

  • focuses on the directed graphs
    • undirected graphs can be applied to by splitting undirected edge into two directed edges
    • Pre-specified edge types: node간 다양한 관계를 encode하기 위해서 사용됨.

      2.1. Graph Neural Networks

  • Extension of RNN to arbitrary graphs
  • Each node v is associated with an initial state vector h_v(0) at the time step 0.
  • At time step t, an outgoing message is computed for each edge by transforming the source state according to the edge type
  • At the receiving nodes, all messages are aggregated through either summation, average or max-pooling
  • Every node will update its state vector based on its current state vector and the aggregated message
    • updated function may be a gated recurrent unit (GRU), LSTM, or a fully connected network
    • all nodes share the same instance of update function
  • The described propagation step is repeatedly applied for a fixed number of time steps T, to obtain final state vectors
  • A node classification task can be implmented by feeding these state vectors to a fully connected neural network which is shared by all ondes
    • Back-propagation through type (BPTT) is typically adopted for the learning model

2.2. Graph Partition Neural Networks

  • GNN에서는, Observe synchronous schedule in which all nodes receive and send messages at the same time.
  • 하지만, 그래프의 모든 node들이 message를 동시에 보내는 것이 아니기 때문에 different propagation schedules를 고려해야 한다.

    2.2.1. propagation model


  • Figure 1
    • Full synchronous propagation schedule requires significant computation at each step
    • Sequential propagation schedule results in sparse and deep computational graphs
      • require multiple propagation rounds across the whole graph, resulting in an even deeper computational graph
  • New propagation method (효율적이고 tractable learning이 가능함)
    • partition the graph into disjunct K subgraphs that each contains a subset of nodes and the edges induced by this subset.
    • Cut set- the set of edges that connect different subgraphs- is also prepared.
    • Alternate between propagating information in parallel local to each subgraph and propagating messages between subgraphs image

    • The number of messages
      • Synchronous propagation uses 5*10 messages (Fig. 1(d))
      • Partitioned propogation: 36 messages (Algorithm 1)
    • 일반적으로, partitioned propagation에서는 synchronous schedule 보다 더 적은 message를 boroadcast하는데 사용하며, sequential schedule에서 요구되는 deep computational graphs를 사용하지 않는다.

2.2.2. Graph Partition

  • Re-use the classical spectral partition method especially normalized cut method and use random walk normalized graph Laplacian matrix.
  • 문제: spectral partition method는 large graph에서 느리고 scale 하기 어렵다.
  • 해결방안: Heuristic method based on multi-seed flood fill partition algorithm image

      1. Randomly sample the initial seed nodes biased towards nodes which are labeled and have a large out-degree
      1. Global dictionary assigning nodes to subgraphs and initially assign each selected seed node to its own subgraph
      1. Grow the dictionary using flood fill, attaching unassigned nodes that are direct neighbors of a subgraph to that graph.
      1. To avoid the bias towards the first subgraph, we randomly permute the order in the beggining of each round
    • The procedure is repeatedly applied until no subgraph grows anymore.
    • The disconnected components left in the graph is assigned to the smallest subgraph found so far to balance subgraph sizes

2.2.3. Node features & classification

  • graph-structured data의 한계
    • 1) do not have observed features associated with every node
    • 2) have dimensional sparse features per node
  • Initial node label을 위한 two type of models
    • Embedding-input
      • learnable node embedding을 사용하여 한계 1을 해결하고자 함
      • For the nodes with observed features, we initialize the embeddings to these observations, and all other nodes are initialized randomly
      • All embeddings are fed to the propagation model and are treated as learnable parameters
    • Feature-input
      • Sparse fully-connected network이 한계 2를 해결하기 위해서 사용됨
      • Dimension-reduced feature은 propagation model에 사용되고, sparse network은 rest of the model과 함께 학습이 된다.

4. Experiments

4.1. Experiments

  • 사용한 dataset
    • citation network 기반 document classification

    • knowledge graph에서 추출된 bipartite graph의 entity gclassification
      • NELL dataset
    • distantly supervised entity extraction에 적용함.
      • DIEL dataset image

4.5. Comparison of different propagation schedules

  • sequential order과 series of minimum spanning trees (MST)를 기반으로한 schedules
  • Sequential order
    • Graph traversal via bread first search (BFS) which gives visiting order
    • split the edges into those that follow the visiting order and those that violate it
    • The edges in each class construct a direced acyclic graph (DAG), and we construct a propagation schedule from each DAG following that every node will send messages once it receives all the messages from its patents and updates its own state.
    • This sequential schedule reduces to a standard bidirectional RNN on the chain graph
  • MST schedule
    • Find a sequence of minimum spanning trees
      • Assign random positive weights (0-1) to every edge
      • Apply Kruskal’s algorithm to find MST
      • Increase the weights by 1 for edges which are present in the MST.
      • Iterate the process until we find K MST (k=total number of propagation steps)
  • Cora dataset으로 synchronous, partition-based propagation schedules, sequential order, MST schedule을 비교
    • 비교
      • Synchronous: every node sent and received messages once and updated its state
      • Sequential: messages from all roots of the two DAGs were sent to all the leaves
      • MST-based: sending message from the root to all leaves on one minimum spanning tree
      • Partition: one outer loop of the algorithm
    • Sequential schedule에서 one propagation step에서 message가 propagated furthest.
    • When increasing the number of propagation steps, it performs worse as the deep computational graph makes the learning hard

5. Conclusion

  • Relying on graph partitions, the model alternates between locally propagating information between nodes in small subgraphs and globally propagating information between the subgraphs.
  • Future research directions
    • Learn graph partitioning as well as the GNN weights using soft partition assignment
    • Probalistic graphic model에서 사용된 propagation schedules 또한 GNN 맥락에서 고려해볼 수 있다.
    • graph내의 서로 다른 node들이 memory를 효율성 증진을 위해 공유할 수 있다.

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