[그래프데이터분석및응용] Random walk based network embedding
해당 포스팅은 [연세대학교 21-1 UT 세미나 그래프데이터분석과응용]을 기반으로 작성되었습니다.
1. End-to-end Node Embedding
1.Traditional machine learning for graphs
- Given input graph
- Extract node, link, and graph-level features
- learn a model that maps features to labels
2. Graph representation learning
- alleviates the need to do feature engineering every single time by automatically learning the features
- Goal
- Efficient task-independent feature learning for machine learning with graphs
- 각 node를 잘 설명할 수 있는 vector을 찾는 것
3. Why embedding?
- Task: Map nodes into an embedding space
- Similarity of embeddings between nodes=similarity in the network
- ex: Both nodes are close to each other (connected by edge)
- Encode the network information
- Potentially used for *many downstream tasks
4. Node embeddings
- Setup
- Assume that we have graph G
- V is the vertext set
- A is the binary adjacency matrix
- For simplicity, assume that there is no additional information
- Goal: encode nodes so that similarity in the embedding space approximates similarity in the graph
- embedding space의 vector의 dot product가 original network의 similarity.
- Original network에서의 similarity는 무엇인가?
- Overall Steps
- Encoder maps from nodes to embeddings
- Define a node similarity function
- i.e. a measure of similarity in the original network
- Define a node similarity function
- Decoder DEC maps from embeddings to the similarity score in the original network
- Optimize the parameters of the encoder so that:
- Optimize the parameters of the encoder so that:
- 이 때, two key components는 Encoder과 Similarity function이다.
- “Shallow” Encoding
- Encoder is just and embedding-lookup 각 node에 대한 embedding이 되는 지를 사전 형식으로
- matrix: each column is a node embedding
- vector: indicator where all zeroes except a one in column indicating node v.
- Each node is assigned a unizue embedding vector
- Representative methods:
- 1. DeepWalk
- 2. Node2Vec
- How to define the similarity in the original network?
- Similarity function specifies how the relationships in vector space map to the relationships in the original network.
5. Framework Summary
- Encoder+Decoder Framework
- Shallow encoder: embedding lookup
- parameters to optimize: Z which contain node embeddings for all nodes
- Deep encoder: Graph Neural networks
- Decoder: based on node similarity
- Objective: Maxmize dot product of node embeddings for node pairs (u,v) that are similar
2. Node similarity definition that uses random walks
- unsupervised/self-supervised way of learning node embeddings
- Task independent
2. Formulazing the optimizing problem
- Three components to define
- 1) Decoder function
- 2) S[u,v]: A graph based similarity measure between nodes
- 3) l: A loss function measuring the discrepancy between the decoded similarity values and the true values
3. Random Walk
- The (random) sequence of points visited by random selection
- Random walk embeddings
- probability that u and v co-occur on a random walk over the graph
- 이 확률을 embedding된 space에서의 dot product와 동일하게 하는 것이 목표이다.
- Steps
- Estimate probability of visiting node v on a random walk starting from node u using some random walk strategy R
- Optimize embeddings to encode these random walk statistics
- 왜 Random walk를 사용하는가?
- Expressivity: Flexible stochastic definition of node similarity that incorporates both local and higher-order neighborhood information
- Idea: if random walk starting from node u visits v with high probability, u and v are similar (high-order multi-hop information)
- Efficiency: Do not need to consider all node pairs while training and need to consider only the pairs that co-occur on random walks
- 특히 network size가 클 때 유용함
- Expressivity: Flexible stochastic definition of node similarity that incorporates both local and higher-order neighborhood information
- Unsupervised feature learning
- Idea: Learn node embeddings such that nearby nodes are close together in the network
- Given a node u, N_R(u): Neighborhood of u obtained by some random walk strategy R
- Strategies used to run random walks
- Deepwalk: run fixed-length, unbiased random walks from each node
4. Optimization
- Deepwalk: run fixed-length, unbiased random walks from each node
P_R(v u): probability of visiting v on a random walk starting with u with random walk strategy R - maximize
Goal: learn embeddings so that the following holds
- The probability is parameterized by softmax function
- 0에서 1 사이의 값으로 표현하기 위하여 softmax function을 사용하는 것이다.
- Negative Sampling
- However, the normalization term from the softmax is the culprit
- Instead of normalizing w.r.t all noes, just normalize against k random ‘negative samples’.
- sample k negative nodes each with probability proportional to its degree
- Two considerations for k
- Higher k gives more robust estimates
- Higher k corresponds to higher bias on negative events
- from 5 to 20
- Stochastic Gradient descent를 사용하여 optimize를 할 수 있음
3. Node2Vec (other random walk method)
1. Overview
- Key observation: Flexible notion of network neighborhood of node u, N_R(u) leads to rich node embeddings
- develop biased 2nd order random walk strategy R to generate network neighborhood N_R(u)
- Idea: use flexible, biased random walks that can trade off between local and global views of the network
2. Biased Walks
- Two classic strategies
- First choose direct neighbors (BFS) and then choose indirect neighbors (DFS)
- BFS: micro-view of neighborhood
- DFS: macro-view of neighborhood
- First choose direct neighbors (BFS) and then choose indirect neighbors (DFS)
- Interpolating BFS and DFS
- Biased fixed-length random walk R that given a node u generates neighborhood N_R(u)
- Two hyperparameters
- Return parameter p: return back to the previous node
- In-out parameter q: moving outwards (DFS) vs inwards (BFS) q is the ratio of DFS and BFS
3. Node2Vec algorithm
- Compute random walk probabilities
- 2 Simulate r random walks of length l starting from each node u
- optimize the node2vec objective using stochastic gradient descent
- 특징
- Linear time complexity
- All the 3 steps are individually parallelizable
4. Other random walk ideas
Different kinds of biased random walks
- Metapath2vec
- based on the node attributes
- based on learned weights
- Alternative optimization schemes
- LINE: directly optimize based on 1 and 2-hop random walk probabilities
- Network preprocessing technichs
- Struc2vec, HARP: run random walks on modified versions of the original network.
5. Limitations of shallow embedding methods
1. Limitations
O( V ) parameters are needed - no sharing of parameters between nodes
- Every node has its unique embedding
- transductive
- Cannot generate embeddings for nodes that are not seen during training
- Do not incorporate node features
- Many graphs have features that we can and should leverage.