[그래프데이터분석및응용] Community Detection

해당 포스팅은 [연세대학교 21-1 UT 세미나 그래프데이터분석과응용]을 기반으로 작성되었습니다.

1. Community in networks

1. Communities

  • 서로 긴밀한 node들의 집합으로, 해당 집합 내의 node 간의 연결은 높다

2. Flow of information

  • how close an actor to all other actors in the network?
    • what structurally distinct roles do nodes play?
    • what roles do different links play?
  • Two perspective on links
    • structural: span different parts of the network
      • triadic closure: if two people in a network have a friend in common, then there is an increased likelihood they will become friends themselves
    • interpersonal: either strong or weak

3. Triadic clousre

  • High clustering coefficient로 이어진다.
  • Reasons
    • If B and C have a friend A in common then,
      • B is more likely to meet C as they both spend time with A
      • B and C trust each other since they have a friend in common
      • A has incentive to bring B and C together.

4. Graovetter’s Explanation

* 아주 가까운 지인보다 가끔 만나는 사람으로부터 직장에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있음. 
* a connection between the social and structural role of an edge
* **Structure** 
  * structurally embedded edges are also socially strong
  * Long-range edges spanning different parts of the network are socially weak. 
* **Information**
  * Long-range edges allow you to gather information from different parts of the network and get a job
  * Structurally embedded edges are heavily redundant in terms of information access. 

5. Network Communities

  • Communities: set of tightly connected nodes
  • Modularity Q
    • A measure of how well a network is partitioned into communities
    • Given a partitioning of the network into groups disjoint s, image
  • Null model: configuration model
    • Given real G on n nodes and m edges, construct rewired network G’
      • Same degree distribution but uniformly random connections
      • Consider G’ as a multigraph
      • The expected number of edges between nodes i and j of degrees k(i) and K(j) equals: image
      • The expected number of edges in multigraph G’ (위의 식이 맞는 지 검토하는 방법) image
        • Q = (fraction of edges that connect nodes of the same group) - (fraction of such edges if the edges were positioned at random) image
    • 2m으로 나눠준 것은 왕복을 고려한 것
      • Modularity values take range [-1,1]
    • it is positive if the number of edges within groups exceeds the expected number
    • 음수이면 anti-community (적대관계)라고 간주함.
    • Q greater than 0.3-0.7 means significant community structure

2. Louvain Algorithm (Non-overlapping communities)


  • Greedy algorithm for community detection
  • O(nlogn) run time
  • Supports weighted graphs
  • provide hierarchical communities
  • High level
    • Greedily maximizes modularity
    • Each pass is made of 2 phases
      • Phase 1: modularity is optimized by allowing only local changes to node-communities memberships
      • Phase 2: The identified communities are aggregated into super-nodes to build a new network
    • The passes are repeated iteratively unil no increase of modularity is possible.

2. 1st phase

  • Put each node in a graph into a distinct community
  • For each node i, the algorithm performs two calculations
    • compute the modularity delta when putting node i into the community of some neighbor j
    • Move i into a community of node j that yeilds the largest gain in delta Q.
      • Phase 1 runs until no movement yields a gain.
      • 어느 node부터 볼 것인지는 중요하지 않아서 random으로 선택할 수 있다.

3. 2nd phase (restructuring)

  • The communities obtained in the first phase are contracted into super-nodes, and the network is created accordingly
    • super-nodes are connected if there is at least one edge between the nodes of the corresponding communities
    • The weight of the edge between the two super-nodes is the sum of the weights from all edges between their corresponding communities.
    • Phase 1 is then run on the super-node network.

3. Overlapping communities

1. BigCLAM

  • one of the methods to detect overlapping communities using MLE.

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